When using gas detectors on a regular basis, making sure, it works correctly is essential. That’s why gas detectors need to be calibrated periodically to make sure they work as they should. Read this blog post to find out all about how to calibrate a gas detector.

What is a gas detector?

In the maritime and industrial sectors, gas detectors are very much needed. They are used to monitor and detect hazardous gases and vapours continuously. It will generate an alarm to alert personnel about the presence of these hazards. This can be a result of a spill or leak from a solvent where vapours can form with air to create a combustible mixture of fuel and oxygen. Therefore, gas detection is needed in these situations.

How to calibrate your gas detector

Frequently testing/calibration of your gas detector is not only safe, but it is, in most industries, mandatory. Before starting, make sure you have the right instruments at your disposal and perform the gas detector calibration in a properly ventilated space.

1. Connect the regulator to the calibration gas cylinder. Screw the bottom part of the regulator on top of the calibration gas cylinder and connect the sampling hose to the top connection of the regulator.

2. Attach the airtight clip to the gas detector. Make sure the gas types as described on the gas detector match the ones as described on the clip. Not sure which gas type to pick for your gas detector calibration? Read more on how to choose the correct calibration gas in our blog.

3. Connect the sampling hose to the clip and check if the entry of the gas will point in the direction of flow as described on the clip.

4. Face the calibration gas cylinder and regulator and turn on the gas detector while opening the regulator. A first *beep* will sound. After a few seconds, the detector will sound its internal alarm due to the gases that will now flow through the clip.

5. Turn off the alarm of the gas detector and close the regulator. Detach the gas detector of the sampling hose, and unscrew the regulator of the calibration gas cylinder. Make sure you ventilate both the gas detector as the regulator. Now you know your gas detector is tested and still functions properly and is safe to use.

To make it even easier for you to understand how to calibrate a gas detector and this specific type, our Dutch distributor GMS Instruments made a YouTube video for you.

Making your choice

Since everyone has his own expertise, let us excel in ours! Our SEMA Gases specialists are here for you and all your questions regarding gas detectors. Please ask them and let us advise you.
